10-Minute Marketing Makeover – Ep3: Analyzing Bryan’s Viral LinkedIn Post

We’re diving into “The Viral LinkedIn Post” and looking at what makes a piece of content resonate deeply and engage a wide audience. With over 660,000 unique impressions, Bryan Huhn, CFP®’s post offers valuable insights and strategies you can apply to your own content.

But First… 

Let’s acknowledge that starting something new is the hardest part. Just getting started.  

Throw in some less-than-ideal conditions—whether you’re in a new space or still setting up—and it’s even harder. 

But it’s essential to keep going with the flow–like Derek does here and like we have since launching the show. 

Taking action, regardless of circumstances, is crucial in the content creation process. And you’ll hear us say this over and over again, because you’ll never know what does–or doesn’t–resonate until you get it out into the world.  

The Big Question: Ever Expected a Post to Go Viral?

Many of us have been there: you craft what seems like the perfect post, expecting a flood of engagement, only for it to fall flat. It’s a shared experience that even seasoned professionals face. 

However, viewing these moments as opportunities to reflect rather than failures can transform your approach to content creation, regardless of the medium. The unpredictable nature of social media algorithms means that maintaining enthusiasm and resilience is key.

And while the algorithms are important, they should never be your focus. Creating valuable and engaging content for your ideal client should be. 

Screenshot of Bryan Huhn's viral LInkedIn Post
Bryan’s Viral Post: Breaking It Down

Bryan’s post, which garnered impressive results with over 1,000 engagements, 132 comments, and 40 reposts, caught our attention for several reasons. Let’s break down the elements that contributed to its success.

#1: Visual Appeal

First and foremost, the visual design of a post can make a significant difference. Bryan’s post featured a clean, neatly arranged caption (note: lots of white space, not one endless paragraph) paired with a compelling, bold image. 

The use of an eye-catching, Simpson-esque font added a playful element, making the post stand out immediately. This combination of visual and textual elements is pivotal for grabbing and retaining attention.

#2: Speaking Directly to Your Audience

Addressing your audience directly can create a strong, immediate connection. Bryan’s post starts with the word “your,” which speaks directly to the reader. 

The use of scare quotes around “diversified” encourages readers to reflect on their assumptions without being overtly instructive. This subtle approach invites engagement by prompting thought and reflection.

#3: Trusting the Audience

One of the most intriguing aspects of Bryan’s post is its trust in the audience’s engagement without needing a prompt or the typical call-to-action elements like questions or hashtags. 

The post still received 132 comments and 40 reposts, demonstrating that sometimes, less is more. Trusting the intelligence and curiosity of your audience can lead to meaningful interactions.

#4: Zero-Click Content

Zero-click content is a powerful strategy where all necessary information is contained within the post itself, requiring no additional clicks or navigation. This approach not only makes it easier for the reader but also keeps them engaged on the platform. 

Platforms and audiences reward this type of content by increasing its visibility, so whenever possible, make your content zer-click content. 

Final Thoughts and Strategies

Experimentation and resilience are vital in marketing. Don’t be afraid to try new things and learn from every post, whether it’s a runaway success or a learning opportunity. 

Remember, the goal is to create content that resonates and builds a genuine connection with your ideal audience (not with everyone).

So, the next time you sit down to craft a post, keep these principles in mind: 

  • Create visually appealing content 
  • Address your audience directly 
  • Add value and trust that engagement will come
  • Aim for zero-click content.

And if and when you, too, get a viral LinkedIn post, please tag me as I’d love to see it and give it some love!


Do you have a social media post, video, or blog post that’s gained far more traction than usual? We’d love to hear about it! 

Or, perhaps you have something you worked really hard on and thought it would perform better and you’re not sure why it hasn’t. 

That’s what the “10-Minute Marketing Makeover” is all about so we’d love to feature it in an upcoming episode and give it a makeover. 

Use the ‘Talk to me’ button in the bottom right or send me a message here.

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About Katie Braden, CFP®

Katie is an 18-year veteran in the financial planning industry who founded Advisor Video Marketing to merge her love for financial planning and the transformative power of video.

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